Saturday, October 20, 2007

A case of Mis-conduct

As usual, we went to Oriental shop for grocery shopping. Jimmy fetched us there, so he was there as well doing his own grocery shopping. I walked around the shop, holding two huge packets of Mihun and two cans of mushrooms, because i was planning to fry Mihun for cellgroup this coming friday. At the corner end of the shop was this refrigerated section where all the frozen food was stored. I walked past and saw something that caught my attention. So coincidentally Yityeng was there, so i exclaimed to her in chinese "eh , is that Eu Char Kuey..??!!?!?!!?". my eyes was still blinking non-stop at the sight of the frozen Eu Char Kuey. Five seconds passed and Yityeng was stil standing there. Wondering why hasnt she answered me, i turned to her and to my horror... she was not Yityeng..!!! she was a chinese gal who has the height of Yityeng....... she kept silent with a faint smile on her face ( poor gal, i must have scared her ).... I quickly apologized, saying i mistaken her for my friend.....!!! Another chinese gal who was standing beside me laughed..............

Aahh~~~~~ help....!!! at that moment, how i wished i can disappear like the Ginnie in Aladdin disney cartoon. One "zaP" of the finger and i am out of sight, out of the place..!!! Or at least, a handsome guy walks into the shop and drag me out with full passion, and we run past the green green field, past the trees and seas, like the Hindi movie where the hero comes and save the heroine, ooooow~~~~~~..... Worse still, i can drop everything off my hand and run thousand miles away.... or my last resort, be like an ostrich, which, in case of emergency, quickly dig a hole in the sand and bury their tiny little head into the hole so that no one can see their face...!!! SUNGGUH MEMALUKAN......!!!

okie... calm down calm down....

then the two chinese gals walked away, smiling... "pop", Jimmy's head suddenly appeared behind the racks, smiling... i told him, i feel so shameful because i talked to wrong person, and he happily replied "i saw that, u are always that blur..." and continue smiling...!!!!! Aih.. sometimes smiles can be cruel...... isk isk isk...

My self-confident dropped to 50%, from a happy 100%.... that is a steep drop...!!

i turned back, headed to the cashier to pay for my stuff, and saw Yityeng.. i wanted to tell her i mistaken someone else for her, but she replied "i heard that" and smiled at me......!!! NO...!! Dont smile...!!! aa~~~~~~ did i talk that LOUD just now....????? SUNGGUH TER-AMAT BER-AMAT MEMALUKAN can...!!!!

I walked out of the oriental shop feeling so embarassed and super embarassed.... Eeiii~~~~~~.......

Eu Char Kuey, see what u have done to me..????? i dont like u today... bler...!!!


Pwinncess said...

so typical of you lar!

~*~ LiTtLe MomEnTs AloNg ThE wAy ~*~ said...

Lin Foong...!!!
how then..???
i'm already 20years old but stil got involved in this kind of embarassing scenario.....

influenced by u...!!!!!

*jeSSicA* said...

hahahaaha!!!! that's our true cheah yen =P

~*~ LiTtLe MomEnTs AloNg ThE wAy ~*~ said...

Wah.... linfoong and jessica....

----lost for words-----

Yi Tyeng said...

Haha! Didn't know u blogged about this event yang sungguh memalukan. Hahahahahahahaha!!!