Wednesday, October 8, 2008

i know i am a slow-cooker.

All my best friends around me doesnt just become one in a day's time, or few months' time. They took years.. the friendship and trust aren't forced into due to obligation to authority.. and one more thing, they happened just so naturally then even me didnt realize when was actually the date that we became best buddies, they just happened...

ur best friend can be ur leader, but you leader might not necessarily be ur best friend.. when there's such pressure/expectation for people to be closer/good friend with their leader, i become emo/thoughtful like now... @__@

I feel unnatural and awkward if all-of-sudden-means-in-few-days-or-weeks-time, you are obliged to share with a person about your personal issues because he/she is your leader in church.. or at least, there is enough time of interacting that makes me able to trust him/her enough to openly and willingly share my personal issues..

talks about going out for one-to-one dinner with a same gender church leader, i definitely feel awkward now.....

i know i am a slow- cooker and i dun progress well when forced under obligation to...

i am a slow cooker..

i dont like this feeling now..

trust and friendship really needs time..

that is why i cherish so much when i see an old couple holding hands while walking, or old couples sit beside each other with intimacy and sweetness only angels can provide..

or even, when this morning, i saw a disable man holding the hand of another disable lady and they walk alongside each other.. even though their pace is much slower compared to normal people, yet there's such love in it that makes me think again about me...

being a slow cooker in all types of relationship- friendship especially.. and a slow cooker generally dont make good chicken soup if not given sufficient period of time..


*jeSSicA* said...

if i dun highlight the whole text, all i see is 'slow cooker, slow cooker, slow cooker...' LOL

yeah i agree that trust and friendship takes time to build...

but i want u to know one thing: u are a great friend to me! =)

~*~ LiTtLe MomEnTs AloNg ThE wAy ~*~ said...

Jess: lol lol lol time to go for annual eye check ler... @___@''' hahahhahaha...

yes, u're a wonderful friend and housemate to me u know....!!!! ^^