Thursday, May 10, 2007


April 17

Flu is..
When you sneeze on Saturday and you blame it on the garlic that you ate in cellgroup the night before..
Flu is..
When you sneeze even more times along the day and start to feel excited about it..
Flu is..
When you feel the intense itchyness at the ende of your nose and your hand cannot stop rubbing your nose..
Flu is..
When you wake up the Sunday morning and your nose starts to feel little bit more funnier than Saturday..
Flu is..
When you start to search frantically for sheets of tissues when you actually rarely touch one sheet of tissue in a week..
Flu is..
When you know you actually have flue (the..??)...
Flu is..
When you constantly have to blow out whatever is stuck in your nose..
Flu is..
When you have to at all times, hold a tissue in hand and cant hold anything else..
Flu is..
When you go to school on Monday and you're feeling worse..
Flu is..
When you have to hold back from blowing out "the sutff" in class when teacher is teaching..
Flu is..
When you feel relieved the class is over and you can finally blow it out, blek..
Flu is..
When you stuff more and more sheets of tissue into the schoolbag...
Flu is..
When you dont feel like showering..
Flu is..
When you rub the nose even more and feel bad for torturing the delicate skin of the nose tip..
Flu is..
When you just wanna hop onto the bed and sleep the cold day off..
Flu is..
When you realize you cant breathe through the nose, and that makes sleeping not so fun..
Flu is..
When your housemate give you a tiny cute little pink pill for you to swallow before you sleep..
Flu is..
When you wake up on Tuesday and really wish to tell your family and friends you have flue, but in the end you didnt send out any sms..
Flu is..
WHen you attend lab session that Tuesday and was so accupied with getting the lab practicals done in time, that you have no time to blow..
Flu is..
When you realized others in the lab smell the nasty odour of product and you cant..
Flu is..
When you thank God you cant smell in lab..
Flu is..
Feeling sick for not drinking water in the 3-hours lab..
Flu is..
When your head starts to procastinate and ache..
Flu is..
When your concious make you feel that you have wasted unnecessary tissues for the past two days..
Flu is..
When you sleep for 2 hours straight once you reach home later of the day, after feeling sick for a whole day in school..
Flu is..
When you forget to eat dinner independently from your housemates in order not to contaminate them with the flue virus..
Flu is..
When you feel bad again for forgetting your flue and has actually shared the dinner with them halfway through...!!
Flu is..
When you walk over to your housemate's room and ask for the cute little pink pill again..
Flu is..
When u decide to sleep at 10.30pm when at other days you normally sleep at 1am..
Flu is..
When you pray more often to God, praising Him more and asking for His grace and mercy be to be upon you..
Flu is..
When you sleep with an "Amen" knowing God really loves you, even when you have your flu..!!!!

~*~ God Bless you ~*~

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