Friday, May 23, 2008


Did u ever realize, that it is only during exam periods that u actually realize..

(a) the kitchen is dirty and needs clean up
(b) the living room is dusty and needs vacumming
(c) the fingernail is long and needs to be clipped off
(d) the theories of living is louder than ever
(e) the facebook has more pictures and need to be browsed through
(f) the jiwang-ness kicks in more often
(g) there are more posts than ever that u need to post
(i) that there are so many things that u wanna do after exam and u're so committed to doing them, only to ignore doing any of them once the last exam paper is handed in..



Anonymous said...

this is SOOOOO true :)

*jeSSicA* said...

statements (g) and (i) is very true for where is ur statement (h)?? LOL...just random that i realised u din put in a (h).

let us jia you for exam together~!

~*~ LiTtLe MomEnTs AloNg ThE wAy ~*~ said...

Taileong : kihkihkihkih, we're on the same boat aye...!

Jessica Tan Sook Kuan, hihihihihih, miss u so much...!!!!!!! that's why the (h) is missing... the (h)means missing Jessica so much...!!!! Muacks...!!

JyhMin said...

i just friggin washed my house yesterday..
it was a 'SAVE THE HOUSE' operation..

and it was a success..XD