These few days i've been thinking about this one issue. Rmmber in my previous post i talk bout rainbow and then comfort zone? It is about the comfort zone...
before i begin,
One thing about writing is that, sometimes we cannot just write and comment about stuff. Cuz i dun wanna be like a HYPOCRITE.. or even just a TALKER.. sometimes, to say something we ourselves gotta do it first... if blog is all about talking and talking and CRAPPING, i better just shut up.. u know when u read blogs that comment too much but do nothing, then what's the point.. sometimes i do feel the pressure of writing something, because i myself am not living up to what i say..
even at this moment, i am writing this not because i am very good in this area.. i guess it's something that God has bring to light in me, to remind me, rebuke me and re-mould me from the inside out once again..
ever ask God why this and why that..?? one of the Whys is "Why God, everyone else is talking about how good You are and what lessons they've learn and what great experience they have with You, why God then You do not do it upon me? why did i feel nothing from You?"...
You know, many of the times, it is we ourselves that CHOOSE not to receive from God, by STAYING IN OUR COMFORT ZONE.. we choose not to serve because we just wanna spend more time to study, or spend more time to relax.. we choose not to take up responsibilities because its just too troublesome, life can be much easier without those responsibilities.. we CHOOSE..rmmber any times of life when we chosed to be comfortable..???
BUT many of the times, God blessings do not just come to you when you're sitting there comfortably sipping your coffee, or watching your favourite tv drama.. God does not do thing so monotonously.. It is only until WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE, and you CHOOSE to be exposed to challenges and hardships, then only God's blessings come pouring in... it is when you choose to join ministry in church, to serve, to spend time for His works, to really go into the church community and society that you're in now and do something, then only you get to see God's hand moving in your life, dont you think so..??
when you ask God why there's no blessing from God when u're idling around spiritually and physically, isn't it just the same as asking gift from God but too lazy to stretch out your hands to receive it from Him..???
then how is God going to give you His blessings and lessons...???
many of the time, we just cant be bothered to do uncomfortable things, even myself.. we just cant be bothered to walk across the room to talk to new friends because we wanna be comfortable talking to our own clique in the cellgroup.. we cant be bothered to join that ministry because then we'll have to do a lot of works and stuff, it is more comfortable to spend time hanging out with friends.. we just cant be bothered to teach the kids in church during the semester break, becuz it is more comfortable to rest and have fun...we cant be bothered reading christian books, becuz it is more comfortable going for movie with friends.. we just cant be bothered because we LOVE OUR COMFORT ZONE just too much..!
but again, it is really our LOVE FOR COMFORT ZONE that is stunting the growth, and stopping God from empowering our lives..
now imagine yourselves in Noah's time (Genesis 6 & 7)... Noah, in his old age, could have chosed to be comfortable and sit back.. but did he..?? NO, rather, he choosed to be UNCOMFORTABLE!!!.. he was 600 years old , yet he built the ark under the hot sun by daytime and the coldwind by nighttime.. i imagine that the community there was just living everyday as it is, minding their own business, at the same time laughing at Noah being uncomfortable and silly of building the Ark (as if Noah finds it very comfortable to be laughed at or critisized by the crowds).. YET the story took a twist and the floodwater did came...!! i am pretty sure you guys know the rest of Noah's story...
my whole point is, GET UNCOMFORTABLE.. you would have think that you're waiting upon God to open doors for you and then pour down blessings upon you just like the ideal storyline, BUT THE FACT is that (which many of us fail to realize) IT IS GOD WHO IS WAITING FOR US TO BE READY TO RECEIVE HIS BLESSINGS..
and we wont be ready by just SITTING AND IDLING around.. GET UP AND GET OUT of our comfortable zone!! do something...!!! even reading counts! read christian books and let God's words transform your mind..
i just couldnt stress enough about getting out of comfortable zone... God just enlightened me and at the same time rebuking me with my plans for this winter holiday.. i need to be intentional and uncomfortable.. then only i can receive more from God and grow..
because the day i stop growing, is the day i start dying.. spiritually.. also, what a SHALLOW LIFE i'm living if it's all about enjoying and being comfortable...
1 comment:
hi my little sis(stout little), hehe..your life is so meaningful, u ponder on alot of everyone out there, i can acknowledged that what ann said here are pirated free..hehe..
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