Monday, April 21, 2008



i have found...

the JOY of loving God once again..

Have patient...

He will give me strength to trust..

^^ and i am so JOYFUL now ^^

because i have an amazing God..

He is amazing and He is to be praised for who He is!

It doesnt requires acedemic arguments or human sensible senses to know Him.
It doesnt requires me to be the best or faultless to touch Him.
All it requires is my desperation and simple trust.
In his beautiful time, He has touch my heart and fill me with Indescribable presence of His.
Then i know.. He has spoken. The Almighty Ever Amazing God has spoken to me.
He made known His omnipresence and His power.
He who has won my past wars for me, will do the same again for me, today and days after.

signing off,
daughter of His,
Cheah Yen
He is cheering me to go on!!

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