My new mini bible is all wet......
Cuz water leak from water bottle and i din realized that.....
Now it's crumpy and expanded....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
My project
Okie, now it's the harder part of sewing.. the sides and the zipper... Hmm, where can i get a purple zipper over here in perth at reasonable price...??????
and what decoration should i sew over the front cloth cover of the bible..???
stay tuned, to be continued.......
Monday, August 17, 2009
It's time to blog. after such a long break from this page. ^^
I just came back from Msia, it has been fantastic. There were people that i missed seeing (family la) and ppl that i missed spending time with ( i got to see lin foong almost everyday when im back in Msia ^^ ).. there were food, cinema and shoppings! it was a much long awaited rest..
But on the day i arrived back in perth(yesterda), I realized something great happened. It was during the night prayer rallies in Chin Hock Methodist church. Pastor Henry from Uganda was present. On the first night i was there, he led me to re-release praying in tongue. Like i haven't been praying in tongue like that for really long. Not that my church in perth doesnt practise that, but it's just different. little that i know, praying in tongue revived my faith and my walk with God one more time. Pastor Henry kept on proclaiming "release it , release it , release it, pray pray pray..!!!"
This time break isnt just a break for physical rest, but spiritual renewal and recharge. I cant explain it , but i can feel it ^^ like, im really glad in heart, and light.. and i know i'm being recharged again through the many nights of prayer meetings with other church members.
Then right, on the sunday morning that i arrived in perth, i visited Faith Community Centre FCC together with Dr.Wong and 7 other people related to Dr.Wong. (FYI, Dr.Wong has been my dad's guardian, she's awesome lady, a passionate practitioner of faith, a great prayer warrior!!!!)
And it was rlly awesome that Pastor Benny Ho was preaching on that Sunday!!!!
And it was about Praying in Tongue too...!!!!!!!
"bang" its double confirmation of God's msg to me!!!!
okie, if i explain wil be too long, so i'll just copy straight from my notes, i'm sure u'll be able to understand my notes!!
3 things you need to know bout Praying in Tongue:
A) remove barriers
- 1 Cor 12:13
when we accept God, we'll be baptised by Holy Spirit into the body of Christ. this happen during conversion.
-Luke 3:16
Jesus will baptised you with Holy Spirit and fire.
result is Empowering of God in your life, releasing of God's power! not baptised to be saved (as salvation does not come from baptised but from faith). but baptised to be empowered with Holy Spirit and fire. This takes place After conversion.
- 1 Cor 1:7
Do not lack spiritual gifts while waiting for the second coming of jesus. Speaking in tongue resonate with God. Speaking in tongue is resource for prayer, worship, service, life, spiritual warfare, intercession! It just comes out, overflows from the abundance in the heart. But however, do not be tempted to use speaking in tongue as proof of our spirituality.
- Mark 16:17-18
if Jesus sees it fit to give us this spiritual gift, who are we to say we dont need it.
2) Realize the benefits of Speaking in tongue.
-Jude 20
also activates the gifts of the spirit. pray in tongue until revelation comes, pray in spirit.
- prayin in tongue releases misteries to God and reveals misteries from God. "speaking former secret into light". something previously unknown but now been revealed. even hidden pain and hurts (this explains why some ppl suddenly cry when being prayed for in tongue). hidden gifts are also being revealed. God will reveal it and heal it.
- Romans 8:26-28
praying in tongue enriches your prayer life. key to effective prayer cuz praying in tongue prays according to His will...!!
3) receive the blessings!
Awesome words and i was edified that morning!
and i thank God this time in KL, i happened to be in MPH and i bot this mini bible, one that i can put in bag and carry with me anytime to anywhere!! today i read it in library over the lunch time!! it was just awesome!!!!
And i'm looking forward to hand-sew a cover for this bible. so that it last long with me, and the living word of God wil bless me everyday!!!
and then at night right, Dr Wong and another two great prayer warriors prayed for me !!! (well, we're together for church, lunch and then dinner, and before we depart, they prayed for me)..
they prayed and i cried badly. other than Dr Wong, i only met the other two that day. But the things that they prayed over me was so accurate and spesific to me. It couldnt be them, it must be God who speaks through them. God is so good, my God is the God who knows every single thing about me and cares for me.
Okie, 3 issues they prayed over me was issue of fear ( i was fearful of darkness after the incident where my room was broken into early this year, and am stil fearful when i went back to Msia, in my very own house in Sitiawan, fear followed me ,but by faith, i believe God almighty casts away my fear that Sunday night).
secondly it is concerning my future. I have to admit that lately have been pondering quite a lot about my future after i graduate. But God through them gave me His promise that he has bright future for me. He will use me mightily to touch lives.
Dr.Wong even see vision for me. and she explained it to me too. i am just amazed at God!
then they prayed for another issue which is... actually quite personal so i decided not to write it down this time. probably next time. ^^
there were prophesies given to me too. And reassurance that my heart is all given to God. I am His precious and beloved daughter.
That night i cried rlly badly, cuz hidden issues in my life was being revealed and delt with before God. and He gave me relief,healing, rest and promises. I can trust in His words!
Psalm 13:5-6
But i trust in your unfailing love, my heart rejoices in your salvation. i will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.
Psalm 16:7-11
I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
because you will not abandon me to the grave,nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
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