On the 01-01-09, i did something different...
despite hatred of getting darker in summer, i decided to go to Rottnest Island.. main reasons being because Fenny is going (hence i love going just because she is going), and i wanna do something different (that is, exposing myself to the sun)... mind you, 01-01-09 was the hottest day in summer with temperature reaching a freaking 40degrees okie....!!!!!
we gathered at Fremantle Port... Genesis came to pick me and several others, and we headed to the port.. it was EEEEEEAAArly in the morning, 7am...
after collecting our tickets at the port, we boarded a very super cosy nice ferry for a pleasurable 30mins journey to the island....!! i missed my breakie but kind Charlyn gave me a tlc cupcake (tender loving care cupcake)... hahahahaha... and oh, i'm the youngest gal in the trip oh! ^^ feel like a kid following a group of older people.. hahahahahaha...
that's me, julia and fenny... arrived at Rottnest Island already.. waiting for the rest to gather and had a short briefing before departing..
top left is the ferry.. all the people in the pic were those that were there in our group.. we're collecting our rented bicycles... cycling in Aus is bit funny, they require us to put on the safety cap/hat..?? topi keselamatan, kekekekek... everyone looked as if they have bigger brains.. hahahah ^^ funny funny...!!!!
there you go... me and julia and our "big brains" hahahahahahahah.....!!!
kong in the pic with his super excited smile...!!!!
me, fenny and Julia started our journey.. wah, hasnt been cycling for ages...!!! i rmmber once upon a time, when i cycled super alot to church in the morning to meet up with Hui Nee and study in the church library before cycling back in the noon and get ready for afternoon school... heeheee... that was 8yrs ago.. but anyways, cycling in Rottnest island is the ultimate fun.. hahahah..
cycling up hill was tiring tiring tiring... although everyone's bike come with gear adjustment, it seemed like i'm the only one who find it hard to adjust the gear, partially cuz i dunno what how when to make gear adjustment, other being the bicycle itself bit crazy.. every cycle that i pedal, the bike went "klak klak klak klak" several times.. [tia liao pun eh kia >.<''']
but going downhill was so so so so super the max SYIOK....!!! cuz i dun need to cycle at all, and the speed was superb, cutting across the air with speed was so excited, strong wind hit my face! with breathtaking views of the island and beaches on my left, while magnificant piece of bushes and lowland plants, and several small lakes on my right hand side...!!!!!!!!! too bad can take pic at that moment.. hahahahah..
there's a tiny ship wreck at coastline, so fenny and julia decided to snorkel around that area.. me tagged along even though i dun really know how to swim...!!! i mean, if u put me in swimming pool, i can stil manage to swim a few metres.. but put me in sea with waves and sands few metres below my feet, tell u, i can freak out!!!! tengelam...!!!! but i went down anyways, cuz fenny said stick to her, she'll take care of me... so lovely...!!!!!
you know how some people, when they say something, u can just believe without hesitation.. one of them have to be fenny.. even though she's a lady, and i dunno how to swim, and several times when she resqued me, i almost pull her down with me.. yet i can stil go down to the water without fear or doubt... because i know fenny will do all she can to save me, i just know she will... trust upon her is built over time, tested through difficulties, proven through actions.. fenny i love u!!!!
this pic was taken by Charlyn ^^... sun was glaring that day, but i din really feel the heat.. cuz i was soaking in the cool water most of the time.. heeheehee..
there's celine, fenny, julia and me....!! so nice right the beach behind.. ^^ and cycling to the destination itself makes the beach even more satisfying ^^
from left to right, Tim Chan, David Ho, Gregory, Danny Chan, Dayong Lee, Charlyn Tan ^^
see the rocks on which they are standing on.. nice right..???? and the top left is the sort of bushes that i mentioned earlier, of cuz more beautiful ones were not taken la... hahaha...
that's the tower ^^...
so cute right this animal....!!! i forgot its name la.. but it has a long tail like a mouse... size of a football... heeheeheeeheee.. cute as a rabbit.... hands tiny as kangaroo's hand... hahahahahaha... su cute.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love love....!!!
this is Siao Qiang...
This is Ah Lian....
see how Siao Qiang and Ah Lian is so so so curious bout Kong's sunnies.... heheheeheee...!!!
Julia is so cute cycling...!!! hahahahhah ^^
and that black net on Tim's face is used to prevent flies from entering human nostril or mouth... even ear holes... hahahaha... very useful i tell u...!!! flies was so abundant at about between 10am til 12pm... super banyak i tell u, even Dayong accidently eaten one while he was talking and cycling... eventually Dayong managed to cough it out... but eeeww, so disgusting, hahahahaah...!
this is the beach where we spent hours snorkeling.. it's called Salmon Bay... also, it was then i found out the theory of Snorkeling and Dating........ super related, i feel... hahaha... super make sense... and YAY!!!! i finally swam with the fishes....!!!!!!!!!!! the fishes so huge....!!!! and the water was so clear... and the waves wasnt huge that time...!! and there were even more people around me to catch me when i freaked out and drown.....
super super alot of THANKS to Dayong Lee and Kong... they were the two great friends that stayed around me, to make sure i didnt drown myself... of well, easy to identify, when u suddenly see me flip-flapping like a dog in a pool, then u'll know i accidentally drank salt water, couldnt breathe through my snorkel tube, realized i couldnt touch the sand, lost my floating ability on water.................. because i know they are beside me, i snorkel and go after the fishes happily....! i enjoyed snorkelling because of them....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
tired and exhausted from whole day of cycling and cyling, and swimming and snorkelling... we retired to the small town near the port where we first arrived... me rehat-rehat at the Coffee Bean cafe... it was nice chilling afternoon... then we all headed to the port with our bikes.. took a group photo... and returned the bikes to the ferry company..... ^^
i love 01-01-09... for the very first time, i welcomed New Year in a very unusual way, together with all these wonderful church friends... this year is gonna be unusual as well..
thanks Fenny, for inviting me to join u for the Rottnest Island trip ^^